
What You Need to Know About Reverse Sneezing in Dogs in St. Paul, MN

As spring rolls around in St. Paul, MN, the usual spring blooms, while beautiful to see and a respite from the monotone of winter, bring with them pollen and other allergy inducing factors. Just like us, for our pets this can cause sniffles, runny eyes, itching and other similar clinical signs. One possibility for our…
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When It’s Time: The At-Home Cat and Dog Euthanasia Process in St. Paul, MN

Making the decision to euthanize your beloved pet is an extremely difficult decision. The one we as pet parents all dread. Just the word euthanasia brings an abundance of emotions – guilt, sadness, anger, perhaps feeling like you’re letting them down. In truth, euthanasia is the kindest final gift. It frees our companions from pain…
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The Best Dog Parks in St. Paul, MN, and Surrounding Areas

Are you wondering where to take your pup for some socialization, play and exercise? There are several amazing dog parks in St Paul and surrounding suburbs. Check ‘em out! Make sure to visit the park websites for specific rules and requirements. High Bridge Dog Park – St Paul The High Bridge Dog Park is a…
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Keeping Dog Paws Clean and Healthy During Winter in St. Paul, MN

It’s that time of year in Minnesota.  Days of 45 degrees followed by the surprise of 12” of snow, a slippery layer of ice and temps in the sub zero’s. It seems like there is more darkness than sunlight. Here are some tips to keep your friendly canine friend safe in Minnesota winter.  Be aware…
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Veterinary Jobs 101: What Career Options are There in Veterinary Medicine?

For individuals who love animals and helping others, veterinary medicine offers these natural caregivers the perfect opportunity to do something that’s more than just work. And the great thing about veterinary medicine, aside from being challenging and rewarding, is that it gives those in entry-level positions the ability to move up the rungs to higher-level…
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8 Dog and Cat Myths Debunked

MYTH 1: Dogs can fall in love TRUE. They don’t call it puppy love for nothing. Science shows that a dog’s brain releases oxytocin – the love hormone – when it interacts with humans and dogs, just the same as a human brain does when we hug or kiss. MYTH 2: A wagging tail means…
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Ten Fun Facts About Dogs and Cats

The nose print of dogs, cats and other animals is unique – much like a human fingerprint. Dogs are not colorblind.  They have dichromatic vision which means they have limited color perception and can only see shades of blue and yellow. House cats share 95.6% of their genetic makeup with TIGERS. They also share some…
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Separation Anxiety: The Fear of Being Alone

Dogs are highly social, and most dogs thrive best when they have company. Being alone results in separation anxiety and other separation-related behaviors for many dogs. Veterinarians are seeing an increase in separation anxiety since Covid-19, as many owners who were working from home, are now returning to the office. How do I know if…
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7 Common Household Pet Poisons in St. Paul, MN

Every year, thousands of pets are poisoned by common, everyday things. Make sure you are aware of what to keep away from your pet, and what to do if an accident does happen. If you have any questions, call St. Paul Pet Hospital in Cathedral Hill at (651) 789-6275 or Highland Park at (651) 789-0099.…
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When to Call an Emergency Veterinarian in St. Paul, MN

It is not always obvious what represents an emergency and when to call the veterinarian. If your pet has an illness or injury, it is important to stay calm, evaluate the situation, and act quickly. A pet emergency could be anything from your cat or dog bleeding to your pet being unconscious and not getting…
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