Ten Fun Facts About Dogs and Cats
- The nose print of dogs, cats and other animals is unique – much like a human fingerprint.
- Dogs are not colorblind. They have dichromatic vision which means they have limited color perception and can only see shades of blue and yellow.
- House cats share 95.6% of their genetic makeup with TIGERS. They also share some of the same behavior habits such as scent and urine marking, prey stalking, and pouncing.
- Dogs have ~1700 taste buds as compared to humans who have ~9000. They can taste sweet, sour, salty and bitter.
- The whiskers on a cat aren’t just cute—they serve a very important function in assisting cats with getting around, especially at night. Whiskers allow a cat to detect and respond to changes in their surroundings – think kitty radar.
- Greyhounds can beat cheetahs in a race. While cheetahs can run twice as fast as greyhounds, they can only maintain that 70 mph speed for about thirty seconds. A Greyhound can maintain a 35 mph speed for about seven miles.
- Disneyland in California has feral cats who freely roam the park and help control the rodent population. Watch out Mickey and Minnie!
- The Bloodhound’s sense of smell is so accurate that the results of its tracking can be used as evidence in a court of law.
- Cats can rotate their ears 180 degrees.
- Yawning is contagious—even for dogs. Research shows that the sound of a human yawn can trigger one from your dog. And it’s four times as likely to happen when it’s the yawn of a person he knows.